Geophysical Data Acquisition

Metatek has developed unparalleled skills in geophysical data acquisition. We are able to acquire both airborne and terrestrial high-res gravity and magnetic data. We can also acquire marine gravity data through our partnership with Austin Exploration in the United States.

Metatek offers a broad range of geophysical data acquisition solutions. We are the world leader in airborne gravity gradiometry, exclusively operating three of the most advanced full tensor gradiometer systems available. In addition, we acquire Magnetics, Gamma Ray Spectrometry, LiDAR, time domain electromagnetics (TDEM), very low frequency (VLF) and ground penetrating radar (GPR) data and can undertake radiometric dating and geochemical analyses.

Our in-house fleet of fixed-wing survey planes, plus ready access to further fixed wing aircraft and helicopters means that we can respond quickly and efficiently to client survey requests. 

Geophysical Data Acquisition in Challenging Terrain

Metatek has flown hundreds of thousands of kilometres over four continents.  We are experts in surveying over inaccessible and challenging terrain, from mountainous areas to environmentally sensitive coastal transition zones and in the extreme heat of the Middle East to sub-zero conditions in northern North America. 

We know that operating in developing countries requires preparation, accurate intelligence, and a comprehensive risk mitigation strategy, providing certainty and security to your project. By choosing us as your partners on the ground and in the field, we will help you manage risk to maximise your opportunities.

Geophysical Data Acquisition Survey Workflow from Metatek

Before a survey is agreed, Metatek engages with a client using the following workflow: 

Definition of AOI

It is important in the initial conversations to fully understand the geological data acquisition objectives and to accurately define the survey area of interest (AOI). For this we require coordinates or a shape file from which we can construct an initial survey plan. With this information, we can provide an illustrative budget and timeframe for the survey.

Feasibility Study

It is of paramount importance to us that we have confidence our technologies will deliver the results our clients need. To this end we always conduct a feasibility study to ensure the suitability of FTG and other techniques to achieve the results required. We can also recommend which of our gravity Gradiometers is best suited to the objective in mind.

Survey Planning and Logistics

Our feasibility study, along with geological and geophysical understanding allows us to define the appropriate survey line spacing. This step involves a detailed evaluation of topography for flight drape calculation, no-fly or restricted areas, as well as any environmental and territorial issues.

With contracts in place. A full operational and HSE desk study is conducted to ensure all safety considerations are understood and accounted for. This is then followed by a comprehensive site reconnaissance visit.

Geophysical Data Acquisition Phase

Once our aircraft has arrived at the survey base of operations, we conduct a series of safety checks and instrument calibrations before commencing geophysical data acquisition.

Depending upon flight conditions and distance from base of operations, the aircraft can fly for up to 8 hrs. After each flight, the new data is processed on-site and uploaded for QC and preliminary processing. This in-field processing allows us to generate preliminary grids and maps after each flight (typically every 24hrs). This allows data-based decisions to be made ‘on the fly’ to modify survey design, extend or in-fill areas as the geology unfolds.

Final Processing

The final geophysical data processing takes place back in Metatek’s headquarters in the United Kingdom. We use both bespoke proprietary and global industry standard software in earth mapping and modelling to optimise our analysis and visualisation of gravity gradiometry, conventional gravity, magnetic, LiDAR, GPR, radiometric and magnetotelluric (MT) data. Processing results are routinely discussed with the client in an interactive, collaborative workflow.

Data Interpretation

Integrated interpretation is the key to maximising your understanding of the subsurface. At Metatek, we believe in taking a holistic view of the dataset. Once we have gathered all the necessary data, the qualitative stage begins. Our qualitative approach to data interpretation is always tailored to our client’s needs, whether it be a rapid regional overview or a more detailed investigation combining several data sources. A preliminary interpretation is included as a standard deliverable along with acquisition and processing. More detailed quantitative interpretation is available to delve deeper into the data, producing a set of integrated geological horizons to advance the exploration or evaluation program.

Knowledge Transfer

We understand that not all our clients are experts in potential field geophysics. We are strong advocates of knowledge transfer to our clients and offer a Knowledge Transfer Programme (KTP) designed to meet their specific needs (i.e., starting level of knowledge, end goal objectives).

Normally subject matter includes data acquisition, processing and interpretation applicable to both land, marine and airborne environments. Focus is usually on teaching valuable skillsets that are readily transferable into other disciplines such as data manipulation, hydrocarbon exploration, geothermal energy and geotechnical mapping.

Get In Touch

Call us on +44 1908 667014, or use the form below and we’ll get in touch as soon as possible.